Shop Review

Base Camp Beer Shop

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Base Camp, a pleasant Letna beer shop with a mountaineering theme, is a good ‘base camp’ for anyone in Prague seeking to have a well stocked fridge. The variety of beers here is fantastic…with at least 9 fridges stocked with cold beers from not only the best Czech brewers, Base Camp also sells a great variety of renowned foreign beers.

They also have some non-alcoholic American drinks like Mountain Dew, Dr.Pepper, and Arizona Tea. With one beer on tap, they have a few tables in the main room where you can sit and have a beer, and, more importantly, a room decorated with Michael Jackson posters. The staff is friendly and helpful, and this crowded beer shop has a popular following among locals. They also sell Base Camp t-shirts and glasses.

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Beers on Tap

Beer name Strength Brewery Style
These are some of the different beers that Base Camp Beer Shop had on tap on our visit.

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