
Beer Festivals- Spring 2016

Once again, the Beer Festival season is about to begin in Prague! Here’s a list of some noteworthy festivals that we’re looking forward to:

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  1. První Pivní Máj, May 1st: Břevnovsky Klášter hosts this festival for the second year in a row. Entrance is free.
  2. Czech Beer Festival, May 12-28th: Held in Letná Park, this is Prague’s version of Oktoberfest. Breweries large and small participate, and this year entrance is 100 czk for all 17 days of the festival.
  3. Černokostelecké vysmolení, May 21: Located in Kostelec nad Černými Lesy, a village to the east of Prague, this is a lovely festival with fantastic beers, in a pleasant old brewery.

  4. Pivo a Burger Fest, May 22: Karlínské Náměstí will hold a one day event, a burger fest with beers from 20 microbreweries, with a focus on top fermented beers. Hendrych, one of favorite newer microbreweries will be participating.

  5. Žižkovské Pivobraní, June 3-4: On top of Parukářka in Prague 3, with a great view of the city. An event for everyone.

  6. Microbrewery Festival at Prague Castle, June 10-11: The Czech-Moravian Union of Microbreweries (Českomoravský svaz minipivovarů) hosts their annual festival at the Prague Castle Gardens. A great opportunity to try beers from all of the microbreweries and see what brewers are up to.

  7. Pivo na Náplavce, June 17-18th: A nice lineup and located on the river bank between Palacký Most and Výtoň bridges. Always popular and packs a crowd.

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